Annual Reporting

Here you will find the reports that we produce on an annual basis.


Annual Report


Each year we produce an Annual Report to keep our members updated with how the organisation is developing.


As a membership based organisation, our members are made up of our people, all of which have the opportunity to become a member of IC24, and take part in our Annual General Meeting.


You can read our Annual Report for 2022/2023 here.

Social Impact Report


We are proud of our status as a social enterprise, delivering healthcare services on a not for profit basis.


We produce this report on an annual basis to demonstrate the social value we deliver to our patients, our people and to the wider communities that we serve.


Read our social impact report for 2022/23 here.

Workforce Race Equality Standard


The Workforce Race Equality Standard - or WRES - is an NHS requirement to provide data on our race equality metric and is a contractual expectation that we produce this report annually.


Read our full WRES report summary for 2023


To read our fill WRES report for 2022 - Click here

Gender Pay Reporting


In 2017 gender pay gap reporting was introduced for organisations with 250 or more employees.


On an annual basis we now publish specific information regarding the gender pay gap within our organisation.


To read our latest analysis - our 2022/23 gender pay report summary - click here


To read our our 2020/21 gender pay report summary - click here


To read our our 2019 gender pay report summary - click here

Quality Account 


Quality accounts are the annual reports to the public from providers of NHS healthcare services. They provide additional accountability about the quality of our organisation’s services.


You can read our Quality Account 2023-2024 by clicking here 


You can read our Quality Account 2022-2023 by clicking here 

Equality Delivery System


The EDS is an improvement tool for patients, staff, and leaders of the NHS. It is designed to support NHS organisations in England with active conversations with patients, public, staff, staff networks, and community groups. Its aim is to review and develop their approach in addressing health inequalities through three domains: Services, Workforce and Leadership.It is driven by data, evidence, engagement, and insight.


You can read our Equality Delivery System report and action plan here.