IC24 awarded top 100 ‘Best Companies to Work For’ in the South East of England
We’re delighted to announce that IC24 has been listed in the top 100 best companies to work for in the South East of England, following our scores in the b-Heard survey.

We’re delighted to announce that IC24 has been listed in the top 100 best companies to work for in the South East of England, following our scores in the b-Heard survey. This follows our recent recognition for being awarded the 'Ones to Watch' status.
The b-Heard survey provides data for The Times’ Top 100 lists and to be recognised in this category is a great achievement and reflects the work we do across the organisation to improve what it’s like to work at IC24.
The list of the ‘Best Companies to Work For’ in the South East represents the 100 organisations with the highest Regional Best Companies Index (RBCI) scores. RBCI is the most rigorous way of measuring engagement. Using the Best Companies b-Heard Survey, employees are asked to score 70 questions on a 7 point scale from ‘Strongly Disagree’ to ‘Strongly Agree’. Organisations require 30 or more survey responses in a region to be eligible. The results are then calculated from the responses to 49 scoring questions aligned to the ‘8 Factors of Workplace Engagement’.
Andrew Catto, IC24’s Chief Executive, said: "We are very proud to be listed as one of the best companies to work for in the South East of England. We strive to make IC24 a great place to work, where our people can thrive whilst delivering exceptional care to our patients. It’s crucial to us that as we continue to grow, our company culture remains at the core of everything we do. This achievement is testament to the fact that we’ve managed to do that, and we’re thrilled it’s been recognised in this way.”
There will be a celebratory event on Friday 21st May, where our position in the top 100 will be revealed. We’ll keep you updated on our results!