Meet the Team - Ian Maben
Get to know Ian, one of our inspiring Health Advisors at IC24.
by IC24
I have worked for IC24 since September 2020, so just over four years now.
I started as a Health Advisor in Ashford and have continued in that role ever since. Although other opportunities have arisen during that time, I've always resisted, as I still really enjoy what I am doing.
In my previous job, I was made redundant just before the first COVID lockdown and enjoyed the summer before realising that I really needed to get a job. A friend of mine works for IC24 and suggested I apply. I did, and I’ve been here ever since. Being able to help people when they’re not in a good place is rewarding, and I couldn’t think of a better job to achieve that. That’s what initially motivated me and still does.
My current role is as an NHS 111 Health Advisor, and the absolute best thing is being able to help people. Simply being able to make someone’s day a little better when they’re not feeling great is rewarding in itself. A little bit of help and kindness goes a long way.
I am proud of what I do every day. Just being there to help someone, whatever their reason for calling, is rewarding. My proudest moment was receiving an award for having the most compliments from patients who took the time to give feedback, even when they were unwell. I have now received 30 compliments and have a lovely collection of star badges on my lanyard. I do the job because I like helping people, but recognition is a lovely way to see the positive impact I’ve had.
IC24 is a fantastic company to work for. They really care about their staff, and opportunities are always there if you want to progress within the company. I’ve had a few jobs in my time, but IC24 is by far the best I’ve ever worked for.
The most rewarding part of my role is doing everything I can to make the call as pleasant as possible for the caller. Generally, they aren’t in the best place, and a kind, calm voice goes a long way. Being able to give them a positive outcome is immensely rewarding.
The three words I would use to describe my role are:
- Attentive
- Considerate
- Supportive