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Meet the Team - Thomas Burns

Meet Thomas, one of our life-saving Health Advisors

We're getting to know some of the amazing people who perform life-saving roles here at IC24. Today, we spoke with Thomas one of our NHS 111 Health Advisors to find out a little more about him and the role.


"I used to work as a Head of Year/Science teacher at Folkestone Academy until I had to take medical retirement from the teaching profession after 16 years in early 2022. My main role in teaching was looking after my 180+ students in the 14-16 age range and ensuring that both they and their parents had the best experience of secondary school life, leaving with the skills and qualifications they needed. Leaving teaching left a massive hole in my life, and when I saw the advert for the Health Advisor, my current role, I knew this would fill that void. I started my training on 10th July 2023, almost a year ago.


I love the complexity of the role and the challenges that this brings. However, I think on a personal level, being there to help people when they are in pain, or when a loved one is suffering, and being that calm voice that reassures them and ensures that they get the care that they need."


What’s been your most rewarding moment at IC24?


"I was still in my probationary phase and carrying out an assessment of an elderly patient. The patient was very distressed, and it was a long and complex call—over 25 minutes in total. I delivered the disposition and gave advice on what to do if their condition worsened. The patient was very grateful and said a few kind words. However, one of the senior clinicians, whom I had never spoken to before, was working nearby. They came over and said, 'Tom, if I am ever ill enough to need 111, I want you to take the call and look after me. That is one of the best calls I have ever heard.'


I went home that day with a huge sense of accomplishment.


I love my role and work alongside some amazing colleagues. Whenever someone asks me what I do, and I tell them I work for 111 as a Health Advisor, it fills me with enormous pride. Every shift, you get that call and think, YES nailed it, and knowing that they have received the care they need makes me proud!"